New York Versus LA - Tales of Two Cities
A year and half ago, I moved to LA. I left behind New York, a city I called home for almost 8 years, and a network of amazing colleagues and friends. 3,000 miles to the West was an opportunity to develop a career in media and entertainment, learn a new way of life, and feel the beating heart of pop culture.
People often ask which city I prefer, and every time I give the same dissatisfying answer - I couldn't possibly decide. The cities are opposites in every sense, too different to compare. The past Labor Day weekend, I received the same question while in New York and finally decided to put my thoughts into words. For those trying to decide which coast to call home - here's my perspective on two amazing cities.
New York
It's a city on the grind. It's the city that never sleeps and neither do you. People work late, eat late, drink late, and live late. If there was a Disneyland for adults, New York would be it. You work until 7pm or 8pm, grab a beer, watch world class baseball or jazz, then hit the dance floor until 4am... on a Wednesday. People ask you what you do and you tell them the truth.
It's a city about indulgence. Your hardware store, cafe, diner, medical center, grocery store, and shrink are in a 4 block radius. It's open all the time, and you literally do or get anything you want anytime of the day. You play classic arcade games and drink beer, then get Korean BBQ on the same block. You see a theater performance that would shock your grandmother and then discuss it over Colombian coffee. You visit a rare bookstore, follow it with a salsa class, and round it out with Persian food. People ask, "Why not?"
It's a city of extremes. In the winter you're so cold you can't feel your face, but you bought a new pea-coat so you look New York as hell and so damn good. In the Summer you're so hot that you sweat through your clothes on the subway platform, but got invited to that new bar on the Hudson where the breeze and rose cool your skyline views. You spend a small Arabian fortune on your West Village apartment with the exposed brick, but live in a 5 by 8 shoe box, know exactly when your neighbor gets laid, and share your meals with several quiet but pleasant rodent families. People ask, "How's it going?"
Los Angeles
It's a city on the chill. It's the city of angels and you pretend to be one. People leave early, eat early, drink early, and arrive late. You don't really have anywhere to go, but could go if you wanted to. A friend asks you to come to a party but it's all the way in East LA, so you go to the beach instead. People ask you who you know and you tell them a lie.
It's a city about looks. You have a car, apartment, business card, neighborhood, and friends and people judge you by them. You're pressured to get in better shape but feel awesome about your progress. You take a selfie at a concert because you know one of the members of the band, and your date says "we should follow each other on Instagram". You go to a trendy new restaurant or bar every weekend, but watch how much you eat and drink because other trendy people will be there. You try kale, work out some more, and take road trips to Joshua Tree, San Diego, and Vegas. People ask, "Who's going?"
It's a city of the same. It's 75 and sunny, everyday. You've had the same conversation about horoscopes a thousand times, but the Gemini you've been talking to is so damn attractive. You go to the pool and beach every week and still haven't got enough of it. You have the same commute, same daily routine, and same weekend group of friends, but you're incredibly comfortable and life is easy. You pay a smaller Arabian fortune in rent for your Westside apartment with a sea breeze, but live in a new building with a parking spot and a roommate who's almost 'made it'. People ask "How do I look?"