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Finding Your Uber Fan

Word of mouth marketing (WOMM) is often considered the holy grail of marketing.  The idea: get consumers to recommend your product or service and you're destined for future profits.

There are strong statistics suggesting WOMM is highly effective, and empirically, the claim makes sense as well.  We base many of our decisions, not just purchasing, on the recommendations of peers, friends and family.  My parents used to say "Would you jump off a bridge if all your friends were doing it?"   Well, peer pressure is a powerful thing folks.

Bungee gif.gif

Unfortunately, generating WOMM is challenging.  People want to interact with a brand about as much as they want to talk to their stapler.  As an entertainment marketer, I've devoted an immense amount of thought to WOMM.  

So how do I convince consumers to chat about staplers, movies, toys, food, products and services to drive results?  I don't.  I find the ones that already do.  I find my uber fans and get them to do it for me.  

Case Study One: MARVEL

Marvel has churned out movie after movie to one box office success after another.  Super hero movies have delivered consistent results for studios despite overall box office receipts declining in recent years.  Dreaded rotten scores on ratings collector Rotten Tomatoes tank most movies.  Not Marvel movies, they've found their Uber Fans.  

The original fans of Marvel's comic book IP are some of the most dedicated on the planet.  These are fans that camp out for hours overnight to watch a panel at Comic-con, dress up in cosplay, and throw themed parties that would make the most seasoned Trekkies envious.  

Fans camp out overnight in the legendary Hall-H line to see Marvel and DC panels.

Fans camp out overnight in the legendary Hall-H line to see Marvel and DC panels.

Marvel does two things to harness its uber fans.  1. It hangs where they hang out and 2. It gives them what they want.  

Marvel ensures exposure by supporting large activations at the Meccas of the nerdom.  Comic-con, Wonder-con, D23, Gen-con, Comiket, Lucca-con.  If there be comic nerds, Marvel be there.  The most dedicated fans are rewarded with exclusive sneak peaks to new trailers, content, access to actors, limited editions, panels, and insider info.  

In return, Marvel Uber Fans blast their experiences all over social media, create fan art, YouTube theory videos, host parties, and spread their excitement to their peers.  By utilizing and feeding their Uber Fans, Marvel generates a self-perpetuating marketing army.   Oh and did I mention, they also take their friends to the movies?    

Think of the most successful franchises in history, Game of Thrones, Twighlight, Harry Potter, Star Wars.  They all start with a rather small but zealous base that brings their excitement to the masses.  If you give a nerd a cookie...

Case Study Two: The National Rifle Association

OK deep breath.  Politics aside, the NRA deserves study as one of the most successful lobbies affecting national policy in American.  

In 2012, this organization successfully lobbied against expanded fire-arm background checks after the deadliest school shooting in America.  Even with 20 child and 6 adult fatalities, over 90% of popular support, and a democratic president, the bill died in Congress.  How?  HOW?!

Uber Fans.  The NRA has mastered the ability to mobilize a relatively small subset of the population to deliver massive results.  For perspective - out of 81 million gun owners, only 5 million are registered NRA members.  From another angle, NRA members represent only 1.5% of the US population.  

Yet NRA members are extremely active and have one simple policy goal.  Here's their mission statement: Established in 1990, The NRA Foundation, Inc. (“NRA Foundation”) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that raises tax-deductible contributions in support of a wide range of firearm-related public interest activities of the National Rifle Association of America and other organizations that defend and foster the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding Americans.  

The last portion is critical to understand their success.  Their singular policy is to reject any legislation that infringes on the second amendment.   That's it.  Add 5 million highly active, Congress calling, card carrying members, and you've got the most lobbying groups in America.  Put another way, these people care a lot while the rest of us care not so much.   

An NRA welcome package and materials they feed their uber fans with.

An NRA welcome package and materials they feed their uber fans with.

The NRA feeds their base.  They produce content affirming their fans' fears of government oppression and left wing censorship.  They provide their fans 'lack of evidence' arguments for increased gun control, while simultaneously lobbying to cut research budgets.  They host panels, conventions, and gatherings for gun fans. The 147th annual NRA convention in Dallas boasts over 80,000 patriots, 8,000 exhibits, and 15 acres of guns and gear.  Sound familiar?  Yup, it's basically comicon for guns nerds.

Their marketing materials all reaffirm what their fans want to here - equating gun ownership and the 2nd amendment to freedom, that they are the real Americans, and be around other people that think the same way.  I'd encourage watching their convention promotional video to hear the language for yourself.  In return, their members provide Congressional support, pay dues, and provide force to further the NRA's public policy agenda.  

Find your uber fans.  You're an apparel company focused on the outdoors.  Who are the hikers, climbers, or sky divers that would love your products?  You sell sunglasses.  Who are the bikers or skaters that need your accessory the most?  You want people to engage with your staplers.  Well, I'll be damned if there weren't a couple arts and crafts conventions out there.  

I am always thinking about who wants my product and services the most.  The Uber Fan is difficult to find.  It's a two way street between client and consumer.  By finding them, feeding them, and nourishing the relationship, they will reciprocate.  

Beyond marketing finding and meeting your true fans will be fun.  After all, aren't we all just looking for a fan or two?